2020 New Year’s Eve Church Concerts – 100% More Digital!

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Last year, I joined the organizing committee for the Brockville New Year’s Eve Concerts In Historic Downtown Churches to help them begin to expand into digital promotions. I developed the Facebook page and began digital promotions for the concert series that had been running since 1991. I was familiar with the concerts because as a teen, I had performed in them with the Brockville Youth Choir, and always enjoyed those performances. It was nice to give back to something that I had been a part of as a teenager.

Fast forward to this September. We were now six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and the second wave was beginning to show signs of starting. An email chain started, asking if we should even consider running the event this year, with the response being a very clear “no”.

I had a different thought though.

One of the things that took off during the beginning of the pandemic were virtual concerts, where artists would get together and perform hour long shows for television and streaming platforms. I had been studying film production and editing over the past year, so I decided to throw an idea out into the thread:

“What if we took the concert online?”

It took a little discussion, but in the end, the committee decided this would be a great idea, and we reached out to our participants from the year before to see who would be interested in taking part. As we began to get emails back confirming that they would be interested, I began to realize I had undertaken a MAJOR project.

Right now, we have a lineup of 11 amazing local artists, as well as 4 student performers, and we’re working out the final setlists to make sure everything is streaming-friendly, copyright wise. I think, out of every challenge coming up regarding this, the worries over copyright are my biggest fear. The very last thing I want is to get a copyright strike and muted during our live stream, so I am doing the leg work now to make sure everything is fine when we do record and air.

This is going to be a really fun project because I’ve gone from just having a small side role in helping with the concerts to really stepping up to make this happen. I’m so excited to learn more about Premiere Pro as we go along, and I hope you’re all able to watch along on New Year’s Eve!

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Press Release:

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Volunteer Committee for Brockville’s 2020 NYE concerts in historic downtown churches, along with Bredin Digital, the Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce, and YourTV announce a television broadcast for the 29th annual concert series!

November 20, 2020 | Brockville ON, CA – The Volunteer Committee for the New Year’s Eve (NYE) Concerts in the Downtown Churches, Bredin Digital, The Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce and YourTV are pleased to announce a new format for the 29th annual concert series. Using the expertise of Bredin Digital, the committee is presenting an innovative solution to help resolve the challenges of providing live concerts in a uniquely engaging way by pre-recording the artists and compiling a show to air on YourTV at 7 p.m. on December 31, 2020. “The COVID-19 Crisis has placed an unprecedented strain on events, and with this new challenge comes the need, now more than ever, to create opportunities to support our local artists, to support our local heritage, to support our charities, and to support our community,” says Douglas Smith, Chair of the NYE Concert Committee.

Performances will be available for viewing on YourTV December 31 at 7 pm, or online on YouTube at any time: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA-AlrriyN_LZ2Fm2P8Lj3Q

The performers this year are:

  • Brenda Kelly & Ralph Robinson band (Traditional country)
  • Natalie Edwards (Popular vocal)
  • Youth concert appearances by Oscar Arkeveld (Vocal), Andreas Arzoumainian (Piano) & Christopher Arzoumanian (Piano) and Olivia Allen (Piano)
  • UOther2: Pam Foster & Donald Wachenschwanz (Rock, pop & folk)
  • Pat Johnson (Original blues & folk)
  • Dublin Road (Traditional Irish)
  • Michael Fenn (Classical Vocal)
  • Iron Ring Trio (Folk/Rock)
  • Quintessence (Clarinet Quintet)
  • Matthew O’Halloran (Jazz Piano)
  • First Presbyterian Church Handbell Choir
  • CR5 (Bluegrass)

The six churches involved each year are St. John’s United Church, St. Lawrence Anglican Church, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Wall Street United Church, First Baptist Church, and First Presbyterian Church.

Bredin Digital worked with the musical acts to have them recorded in advance in order to make the video for use with TV and YouTube. “Bredin Digital was very pleased to have this opportunity to create the virtual content that will ensure the NYE concert series lives on for years to come,” says Rebecca Bredin. “It was a labour of love to create a film of this amazing event.”

The NYE committee is thrilled that YourTV will feature the three hours of entertainment on New Year’s Eve. “YourTV is proud to be part of this partnership that ensures the NYE concert series continues for the 29th year,” says Matthew Boland, YourTV Producer. “We recognize that airing this excellent entertainment by artists in our local community on our station helps the community during the Covid era by helping maintain the social distancing norms due to the pandemic. And a bonus for the community is an engaging show to watch safely from home on New Year’s Eve.”

The key sponsor for the NYE concert series this year is the Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce via a grant received from FedDevOn. The Chamber sponsorship includes a $100 donation to each of the churches for them to be able to donate to charity as they have done each year. The committee also acknowledges the ongoing sponsorship of Ignite Printing, back again this year providing posters for the event.

For further information please contact: Douglas Smith at 613-342-7924 or Rebecca Bredin at

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About the New Year’s Eve Concerts in the Historic Downtown Churches:

For the past 28 years, a volunteer committee has organized concert programs hosted in the sanctuaries of six downtown churches. The concerts are provided without cost, thanks to the volunteer services of amazing musicians from the area. The Concerts have been supported by a small group of businesses and individuals who donate the funds used to promote the annual concerts through posters and brochures. Freewill offerings have been taken up at the concerts and over the years the volunteer committee have raised over $150,000 for local charities chosen by the host churches. Committee members are: Douglas Smith, Donna Matheson, Denise Bowes, Bruce Hynes, Eleanor Whitlock, Hugh Gardiner, Rebecca Bredin and Katherine Hobbs. For more information please see:


Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce Logo

About the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce:

The Brockville Chamber is part of a network of Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade that exist in every community across Ontario and Canada. The Chamber network consists of 65,000 businesses provincially and 170,000 businesses nationally. Locally, the Chamber has over 400 members and is recognized as this area’s official “Voice of Business” since 1906. This voice is an effective force in influencing issues and legislation affecting business and community. It is a membership-based and not-for-profit association that is led by an elected volunteer Board of Directors.

Bredin Digital logo

About Bredin Digital:

The principal of Bredin Digital, Rebecca Bredin is a social media specialist, content creator and photographer based out of South Eastern Ontario. In 2020 Bredin was awarded a Top 40 under 40 designation by the Brockville Young Professionals Organization. Links to her resume, samples of her work, and articles are at: http://www.rebeccabredin.com/

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About YourTV:

YourTV, an exclusive service provided to Cogeco television subscribers, is available in HD on channel 700. YourTV hosts everything from local sports and politics to current events, and the latest celebrations. Programs range from health care and educational issues to development concerns, youth interests and local heroes. Community is at the heart of all YourTV does. It is not just the programming they create – they build connections. https://www.yourtv.tv/brockville

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About Ignite Printing:

The dream team from Ignite Printing focuses on providing businesses, including non-profits, with a full line of printing services. They work with clients to design and create everything from business cards and brochures to over-sized banners.

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