Adventures in Korea: Chapter 3 – Bundang

The stream running through Bundang Central Park
The stream running through Bundang Central Park

Remember a year ago or so, I mentioned how I’m pretty quiet about when I have to leave jobs and move?

Yeah, I’ve moved again. After GEPIK had their massive budget cuts, I ended up having to move down to Bundang to be able to stay at a middle school. While I did question if this was the right idea before, after a month and a half of settling into Bundang, I feel it was the best move. My school is great and I have a lot of responsibility as well, which is nice, though stressful at times.

My place might not be as conveniently placed as my apartment in Bucheon was, but it makes up for it in size. Easily double the size of my old place, I have a kitchen area that is respectable finally, and my loft can fit a lot more stuff. I am working really hard to make it comfortable, and caved and finally bought an oven. Many chickens have been roasted.

Of course, it’s been 6 weeks since I’ve started working here in Bundang, which means I’m well into the rhythm of things in school. We’re doing speaking tests and getting ready for midterms in two weeks. It’s crazy how that snuck up on is so quickly!

Dora is… Well, Dora. She’s a lot calmer than she was a few weeks back when we first moved, and she’s pretty much housebroken, which is fantastic. We take lots of long walks along the Tancheon, which is the little river that Bundang surrounds. I really like the area for that.

It’s taken weeks, but I finally feel like everything that needed to be dealt with has been dealt with, and I can go back to working on the magazine. I really let down my magazine by cancelling the winter issue, but there wasn’t much else I could do. But we have a lot ready to go for the Spring now, so here’s hoping we can keep the good momentum going!


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