It’s been a rough couple of days.

Remember when I said Dora was on the mend and things were getting better? I was wrong. A few days later, Dora’s eye started getting really red and sore looking. Then something started to form that looked like a pimple on the white of her eye. I took her to the vet, and they prescribed some drops for her eye. They made it worse, and it looked like an ulcer was forming as well. We decided she needed to see an ophthalmologist ASAP. We got a referral for one in Ottawa, and set an appointment for early July.
Things just didn’t seem to get better though. The ulcer was getting bigger, the eye was getting redder, and I was an absolute mess by last night. I sent some photos of the eye to both doctors, called them and asked how we could speed up the process. I was told to take Dora to emergency today to try get in to see the ophthalmologist today.
So, away we went this morning to Ottawa to go to the vet emergency and speciality clinic. I cried handing Dora over to the vet tech because I was so scared of what was happening. I was told it was a 6-8 hour wait, and so I went to my sister’s place to wait it out. The vet called about an hour later – the ophthalmologist had a cancellation, and was able to take Dora out of the emergency queue and put her in the ophthalmology department. About two hours after that, Dora had been seen by the ophthalmologist and we could go pick her up.
Dora has a new medicine regime for the next week. The vet thinks is might be something called episcleritis. I barely know how to say it correctly, let alone know what it is or what causes it, but it’s the best case scenario. The vet explained how it works a few times to me, but I don’t know how to confidently put it back into words that make sense. If it’s that, then Dora will recover in a few weeks. If it’s not… We keep searching for the problem.
So we’re back to pills every 12 hours, drops three times a day and a lot more stress again. But Dora is worth it. I just hope that this time, it will be the final time we deal with this.