Obama, meet 小浜市

Well, everything is going well enough at the moment. The visa information is coming along, and now I’m just waiting to hear from Yokohama for more information on what’s going on. There are a few things that need to be cleared up before we buy tickets and know I’m going, but I’ll probably hear about that this evening.

However, this post isn’t about my boring visa application process. The other day, I was looking around a map of Japan, looking at all the towns, and a name suddenly struck my attention. 小浜市, otherwise known as Obama-shi, Japan! I had to double take, because I didn’t expect that name as a town. So I looked up the place, determined to visit it some time over the next year because I think the name is fun. This is what I found!


I thought this was pretty fun, and had to share. 🙂

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