At Pearson!

Well, I guess right now is as good a time as any to begin writing in this normally. I couldn’t before, I was afraid I’d jinx myself. But here I am, sitting at gate 175. I can see my plane out the window, and I can hear a whole lot of Japanese around me. I suppose I should get use to it! It’s still a little jarring though.

I managed to sleep last night, which was amazing. And also because I took a sleep aid. Because I would not have been a nice person to deal with today.

I was really lucky with my one suitcase. It was 50 pounds, on the nose, which is the maximum it can be. I was pretty awesome. 😀

Free internet at the airport is AWESOME. Here’s hoping my plane does have the outlet, as promised, because I packed myself the last two weeks of Sunadokei to watch (it’s about time I finished) and half of Gekirangers.

Saying goodbye to my parents was really tough. I hope they do read this often. 🙂

Oh, it looks like we’re going to be going soon. I should wrap this up and film a little. Please, feel free to add comments! It’s really easy, and you don’t need an account to do it. I love getting comments. 🙂

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