I tried to write about my flight

Well, I have… 10 hours left on this flight it seems. I might as well write what’s happening so far in excessive detail, since I have much time on my hands.

Terminal 1 was nice. It was easy to get to, and finding where we were suppose to be was easy enough. I saw Jacqui right away, and ended up running right down the terminal to see her. I probably looked a bit weird, but whatever, people can deal.

I have the most best luck ever with my baggage. We put the biggest on the scale, and it was 50 pounds on the nose, which is the maximum amount.

The second my mom suggested leaving, I started crying. Hell, just thinking about it now, I want to cry. I clung like I never clung before, wishing there was a way for me to not have to let go. But eventually I did. And once I got over that, all was well. I suppose. Jacqui hung around until I had to go to the security. Luckily, there was no crying there, because we were being silly then and joking around. It’s easier to laugh than to cry, I think.

Even in Pearson, I was surprised at the amount of Japanese that was around. It’ll be nothing compared to landing in Japan, but baby steps.

I ended up filming the entire take off, which was kinda cool. We flew over some lake that confused me, because I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why we were flying over a lake. Then I realized that we were flying over Georgian Bay, which then had me wondering… “What direction are we even flying?” For some reason, I always assumed we’d fly right across the Rockies and the Prairies.

Noooot quite.

I looked out the window about half an hour ago to see…. A hell of a lot of brown. Now, I know Canada pretty well. I know the major land types, and know Ontario well enough to know what I’m seeing. Brown was not what I was expecting, to say the least. The one thing that cleared up my suspicions. There was a lot of white. But not cloud white. Snow white. Snow lining rivers and lakes, sheets of ice still on water.

Folks, we’re flying over the Artic.

As if I thought this flight was epic enough, what with the length of it and such, to be flying over the Artic is something that I find really awesome. All I can see right now are clouds, so I suspect we’re nearing, or over, Hudson’s Bay right now. It’s 4:05pm Eastern, so it’s been about… 2 hours. Oh my god, is that it? Two bloody hours? Looking at the map again, that looks about right, my guess about Hudson’s Bay. I’m wishing I could access the map right now on the screen to see exactly where we are, because I’d watch that the entire time. Like some creepy stalker. Except I’m stalking myself. ♥ And, to top it off, we’ll be coming in to Japan over RUSSIA. THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST EXCITING THING EVER! In Russia, plane flies you!

Anyways, I’m on the plane. I’ve decided that this plane has a serious lack of ice cream, and I have a serious craving for an ice cream bar. And I might have to pick one up before I leave Narita. Heh. I ordered the low calorie dinner. Word to the wise: don’t order the low calorie dinner. While the main thing itself was good, the roll was so bad, I had to cover it with margarine, which I never do, and slightly defeats the purpose of low calorie dinner. There was this nasty cold rice, that I swear they just forgot to heat up, and a decent piece of carrot cake.

I still want ice cream.

I lucked out, seat wise. I have a window seat that isn’t over the wing. Which means I can film parts with ease. Does this mean there will be potential shots of Russia? As long as I’m awake, you can be sure of it. 😀 The seat gets even better because the middle seat? Unoccupied. 😀 The lady on the aisle is very sweet. Doesn’t speak a word of English, and I can’t seem to remember a word of Japanese beyond “私の日本語はめっちゃめっちゃ下手です〜” (My Japanese is very very poor)  saying sorry, and asking her to repeat herself. Oh, and saying I don’t understand. I feel like an ass, but my dictionary is down under my seat, and the other is over my head. And I can’t get either one of them because the guy sitting in front of me has his seat way back and makes being on the computer difficult.

I’m thirsty.

The woman sitting in my row is watching “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe”. I started to watch it, but the mother was sending her kids away, and I had to turn off the movie to save myself from crying. Yes, I am that emotional right now, leave me alone.

I’m watching “砂時計” instead. Sunadokei is a soap drama that was on last year, during the 愛の劇場, otherwise known as the Love Hour on television. In other words, it’s a sappy, angst filled romance drama that I ADORE. I’ve taken a while to get through it, because unlike other series I’ve watched before, this show is straight from Japan. Most others I’ve watched, they’re subtitled, so I’m not translating. This one, I’m trying my best to translate in my head and follow at the same time. It can be exhausting, especially the way I watch it, watching about five in a row. One time, I watched three weeks worth of the show in one sitting. And then I passed out. Ahahaha.

I just saw the stewardess carrying trays and trays of cup noodles. Which is awesome. I like cup noodles.

I wonder if the plane has Smirnoff? Because that would be really nice right about now.


Random: I love hearing the name of this plane in Japanese. “Boeingu nananananana”
Nana = 7. So it’s a Boeing 777. But nananananana is so much more fun.

Looks like we’re still flying over water of some kind. Filmed a bit more, just because it’s REALLY AWESOME.

The lady sitting next to me, I’m going to call her obaachan from now on, has wonderful taste in movies. Narnia, and now the Golden Compass. I wish she knew just a little English, so we could have some kind of odd middle ground to talk on.

It’s almost 7 pm Eastern. We’re flying over what looks like islands. I know it’s May and all, but there isn’t as much ice as I expected… Global warming, I suppose.

This plane seriously needs to get some episodes of The Office or something.

…The lights just turned pink. What the hell, it’s like a disco. XD

We just got the cutest little thing of sandwiches and fruit ever. 😀 Yay, I was getting rather puckish. But… AAH, THAT GUY HAD A CART OF CUP NOODLES. I want cup noodles.

…AHAHAHA. They forgot I ordered the special dinner. So two dinners for me! Thank god too, the low calorie one looks like eating a brick.

Aaaaand I have noodles! We certainly are being fed well. Which is a relief. It’s fun, the closer we get to Japan, the more the food changes. We started with a normal dinner, North American style. And then we had a bento box (packed lunch) and now noodles. What’s next, a midnight snack of sushi? …That could be rather awesome.

One of the stewards is really… genki. He’s rubbing the old Japanese’s steward’s bald head and bouncing around with the drink cart. I want to hug him. (Genki means high spirited and happy.)
…Around here, I trailed off and started watching movies on my seat.

I’m sorry, that was long. So here, have a short summary of the rest:

We flew over Russia, which was epic. We flew right over Japan, so I got to see bits of Hokkaido too. Sadly, it was cloudy so I couldn’t see much. But I did take some photos and video, all which will be uploaded if I have my cord with me now.

I got into Narita airport. I had really great airport experiences. Narita is so organized. And they’re SO helpful. And some of the guys were adorable in their fun green uniforms. 😛 I took the Narita Express around the bay, through Tokyo and now I’m in Yokohama. I’m sure I’ll notice things beyond the giant ferris wheel tomorrow, but right now, I feel so close to death, I just want to go pass out in the tub. So I will.

1 thought on “I tried to write about my flight”

  1. Loved the commentary. I can’t wait to hear about all your experiences in Japan! so exciting!!!

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