The past 24 hours

You know, I’ve always claimed to have an excellent sense of direction.

In the past 24 hours, that has all flown out the window.

I arrived in Yokohama last night, and after a while, decided I was hungry. I knew there was a McDonalds around here somewhere, so I went exploring. This was my first mistake. Because the one thing I’ve always known, but apparently never realized, was that Japanese streets are different. Very different. It’s hard to tell from this photo, but the roads are very small. There are some main roads, like the Bashamachi, but there are loads of roads a car would hardly fit down. The sheer number of roads to go down threw me right off. Plus, so many of the buildings are similar. You can see the long list of different signs in the photo, on the right side. That is a list of bars and restaurants in that one building. And you would see buildings like that on every corner, with six storey buildings filled with bars. It was insane! So, I got turned around on my head, and it took forever to find McDonalds. Sadly, the food wasn’t even good, but the boy working there was sweet. The main problem came when I went to go back to the hotel.
I couldn’t remember the name of the hotel.

So I couldn’t ask for help, even though I knew how to. I didn’t have my map, my phone doesn’t work here, and I hadn’t slept in 30 hours. Needless to say, I was frustrated. But I eventually found it!

Needless to say, I ordered pizza in tonight, to avoid the same problem.

Speaking of the hotel, I need to share this. I took this video of my hotel room. Just so you could see the size of this place. It’s not as bad as it looks, I swear.

Tomorrow, I’m going to see my school! I’m really excited, though, I wish I had more clothes to choose from so I could make a good first impression. The luggage has been taken to the apartment, and I’ll get that on Sunday.

Despite the troubles yesterday, I felt confidant in myself and went looking for the CD shop I had been to earlier that day. AND I FOUND IT! And then I found my way back! I was SO proud of myself! 🙂

I’m sorry, I would write in more detail, but I’m exhausted. I’ll leave you with a link to the photo album I have on facebook, with more photos of the past day, and this photo. This was from flying over Russia. It was so beautiful, I couldn’t believe it. This photo is my wallpaper now.

3 thoughts on “The past 24 hours”

  1. it will always be difficult the first couple of days, but even a big city seems small after awhile.

    The picture is so beautiful, it looks fake!

  2. so far so good!!!
    it is so wonderful to be sitting in Wales (uk)
    reading all about your wonderful adventures
    sometimes i almost feel as if I am there as
    the photography just enhances it
    brill brill brill

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